In the first part of this series I outlined how to screen women for the 3 types of relationships: casual sex, polymaory and monogamy. In this article I’m going to explain the key relationship management rules, these rules are based 100% on experience.
If you play by these rules you’ll get the most out of your relationships and the least amount of drama, if not you’ll get burned. When you follow the rules you won’t be sending mixed messages and girls will respect your honesty. You won’t be too needy or too distant. You’ll have enjoyable relationships with women and know when to end it or when to take it to the next level. Check out part 3 of this series to see the exact tactics to use for each type of relationship.
- Expectations: How you should manage her expectations
- Dating: If you should take her out on dates
- Time: How often you should see her
- Seeing Her Friends: If and how often you should see her friends
- Communication: How often you should text or call her
- Sex: How often you should have sex
- Discretion: How you should handle dating or flirting with other women
- Drama Management: How you handle her negative emotions or actions towards you
- Nexting: When to end the relationship
- Upgrading: When to upgrade the relationship
Casual Sex
- Expectations: She expects nothing more than sex from you
- Dating: After the pre-sex dates you won’t be taking her out, this is a sex only relationship
- Time: You see her a few times a month
- Seeing Her Friends: Avoid going out with her friends this sends mixed messages and tends to cause drama, save this for monogamous relationships
- Communication: Text only, talking on the phone is for relationships, this sends mixed messages
- Sex: You should have sex every time you see her after which she or you leaves within a polite timeframe
- Discretion: Avoid talking about other women you’re dating unless she asks, don’t lie about them but don’t rub it in her face
- Drama Management: Politely tell her you don’t like that behavior at the first sign of drama, if she keeps it up you should leave or kick her out
- Nexting: Next her for excessive drama, if you’re not into the sex anymore or if she wants an upgrade but you don’t
- Upgrading: Upgrade her if you start developing feelings and she fits the non-monogamous relationship screening criteria, you can upgrade her at anytime
Non-Monogamous Relationship
- Expectations: She expects sex, cuddling, eating together, watching movies and an emotional connection
- Dating: You can take her on dates occasionally
- Time: You should see her no more than once a week, any more can make you seem needy, plus it gives her time to miss you and look forward to seeing you again
- Seeing Her Friends: Avoid going out with her friends this sends mixed messages and tends to cause drama, save this for monogamous relationships
- Communcation: Text slightly more than sex only but still don’t talk on the phone
- Sex: You have sex every time you see her after which you talk, cuddle or watch movies, she can sleep over and vice versa
- Discretion: Avoid talking about other women you’re seeing unless she asks
- Drama Management: Politely tell her you don’t like that behavior at the first sign of drama, if she keeps it up you should leave or kick her out. There should be no need for any drama in a casual relationship. I’ve dated girls non monogamously for years with absolutely no drama
- Nexting: Next her for excessive drama, when you’re not into the sex anymore or if she wants an upgrade but you don’t
- Upgrading: Upgrade her only if she fits the monogamous relationship screening criteria and you feel like falling in love with her, this should be after 3 to 6 months in a non-monogamous relationship. You also want to make sure she’s the one who is pushing for it, you never want to go into a relationship in the needier position
Monogamous Relationship
- Expectations: She expects sex, cuddling, eating together, watching movies and an emotional connection
- Dating: You should be taking her on dates once a week or once every two weeks
- Time: You should see her 2 to 3 times a week although she might want more
- Seeing Her Friends: She will expect you to see her friends about once a week or once every two weeks but ultimately it’s up to you
- Communication: Text daily and call occasionally
- Sex: You should have sex every time you see her or at least every other time
- Discretion: You shouldn’t flirt with other girls in front of her, and she shouldn’t flirt with other guys in front of you
- Drama Management: Politely tell her you don’t like that behavior at the first sign of drama, if she keeps it up, have a conversation about it.
- Nexting: Next her for excessive continuous drama, withholding sex, pressuring you for an upgrade you don’t want like marriage/children or when you just don’t have feelings for her any more
- Upgrading: You should be very cautious in upgrading to living together, children or marriage as these can be emotionally and financially dangerous situations for men