In part 1 I showed you how to screen a women for the 3 types of relationships, casual sex, non- monogamous relationships and monogamous relationships. In part 2 I showed you the rules for these types of relationships. In part 3 here I’m going to show you the crucial relationship management tactics you need to keep women and make the best of your time together, check it out:
Good Sex
- You should be having sex with her every time you see her
- You should aim for 4 things during sex: good foreplay, intensity, lasting over 15 minutes and her org@sm
- Not all girls can org@sm from sex so make sure to use your mouth and fingers on them
- Some girls may not be able to org@sm at all, with these ones don’t worry about trying to make her org@sm
Good Media
- This means you should have good movies and tv shows lined up for when she comes over
- Good tools for this are a media center PC attached to your TV, Netflix or a jailbroken Apple TV
- If you’re seeing a girl consistently it’s a good idea to find a show you both like, with a deep catalogue of episodes, this makes it easy to decide what to watch when she’s over
Good Social Life
- Make sure you have similar interests, friends, and mutual respect from both peer groups
- Socializing should be fun for both of you
Gentle Correction
- This is the first method you use when she does something you don’t like
- You tell her “Hey, I really don’t like when you do x behavior, I would really appreciate if you didn’t do it anymore”
- If she accepts the correction, then you give her a quick hug and a kiss and move on to something else
Strong Correction
- This is the second method to be used when either gentle correction fails, or she accepts gentle correction but constantly repeats the same negative behavior
- Give her a stern look, raise your voice (not yelling) and aggressively verbally challenge her behavior
- This should be used sparingly because it’s upsetting for her and if you’ve screened properly gentle correction should be enough
- If she is consistently repeating negative behaviors that you need to strongly correct then it’s time to next her
- Nexting means ending the relationship
- You should next her for frequently repeating behavior you need correct or when her agenda is no longer matched with yours
- Meaning if she strongly wants marriage and children soon but you don’t then your agendas are in conflict
- All agreeable women like to be teased
- This can mean, tickling, playfighting, light general insults
- This should always be done in playfully and not to hurt feelings
- When dating multiple women its important not to bring up any specifics unless she asks
- Bringing up details of other women can be insulting as well as cause neediness, jealousy, anger, or her ending the relationship
- If you’re dating multiple women you should never lie about it but there is no reason to bring it up unless she does
Neediness Management
- Neediness and jealousy are terrible traits in a man, these should be eradicated, and if not possible at least not shown openly
- This means lots of cuddling, compliments, body stroking andemotional support
- All girls love this and so should you
Active Listening
- Girls will want to talk about their day or week every time they see you
- You need to listen, this is part of the cost to play the game
- When you’re listening you should try and maintain eye contact, nod your head at the appropriate time and give the appropriate look or response ie. “wow” or “that’s crazy” or “really?”
- You need to be able to do this even if you’re bored to death, this is a major key for retaining women
Scheduling Her
- If you’re seeing multiple girls you’ll want to aim to lock her into a night so you’re free for other dates, relationships and things you need to do during the week
Good Food
- Good food is key, you should have a few good spots around you for takeout when having girls over
- You should have some dessert, ice cream, candy, popcorn for watching with movies/shows
Casual Sex
- Good Sex: Yes
- Good Media: No
- Good Social Life: No
- Gentle Correction: Yes
- Strong Correction: No
- Nexting: Yes
- Teasing: Yes
- Discretion: Yes
- Neediness Management: Yes
- Affection: Yes
- Active Listening: Yes
- Scheduling Her: Yes
- Good Food: No
Non-Monogamous Relationship
- Good Sex: Yes
- Good Media: Yes
- Good Social Life: No
- Gentle Correction: Yes
- Strong Correction: Yes
- Nexting: Yes
- Teasing: Yes
- Discretion: Yes
- Neediness Management: Yes
- Affection: Yes
- Active Listening: Yes
- Scheduling Her: Yes
- Good Food: Yes
Monogamous Relationship
- Good Sex: Yes
- Good Media: Yes
- Good Social Life: Yes
- Gentle Correction: Yes
- Strong Correction: Yes
- Nexting: Yes
- Teasing: Yes
- Discretion: N/A
- Neediness Management: Yes
- Affection: Yes
- Active Listening: Yes
- Scheduling Her: Yes
- Good Food: Yes