10 Quick Fashion Tips To Keep You Styling And Profiling

Fashion is arbitrary. Tastes are decided by the media and celebrities. But that doesn’t mean fashion isn’t important, it is. Not because it determines your self worth, but because you want to play the game of life at the highest level. And the truth is, you’re being judged on your appearance, every second of every day.

You’re judged by your friends. You’re judged by your clients in business. And your judged by women.

Yet most people don’t take fashion seriously. Even guys who are winners in other areas of life, and who invest a ton of time in their business, let it fall apart in the fashion department. And that’s a shame, because fashion is the easiest area to get handled. You can go out tomorrow and by an entire minimalist wardrobe for under $1700 and look better than 99% of guys out there.

With that said, even without going out and getting a whole new wardrobe, there are 10 simple things you can do to get your business casual and suit game to the next level. This is crucial when it comes to presenting in front of a client in the boardroom or on a date with a girl at a nice bar. And most importantly, it’s really easy to do.

10 Quick And Dirty Fashion Tips

1) Your Socks Should Match Your Pants (Not Your Shoes)

You don’t wear brown socks beause you have brown shoes and you definitely don’t wear sports socks with a suit. Don’t let your look fall apart because your sock game is on the beginners level.

2) Your Belt Should Match Your Shoes

Brown shoes, brown belt – black shoes, black belt – simple. Similar to tip #1, this is a mistake I see guys making all the time and it screams low fashion IQ.

3) Wear Black Shoes With Black Pants

The only shoe you can wear with black pants is a black shoe. Even if you $600 lizard shoes, save them for a crisp pair of grey slacks.

$600 Lizard Shoes – Stylin and Profilin

4) Wear The Right Shoes

The right shoe is the classic laceup with rounded toes.

That means no square toed shoes, no shoes with weird as clips on them and definitely no slip ons.

Now if your fashion IQ is high, you can get creative with your oxfords and wingtips, but you really need to know what you’re doing. And even then, you’re probably f*cking around too much and spending too much, just get the minimalist classic and keep it moving.

5) Wear The Right White Dress Shirt With A Suit

The white classic button down is the only move for a suit. Tailored and with a nice crisp collar. No weird collars, no blue dress shirts, no casual dress shirts – just a plain, crisp white button down with $30 worth of tailoring to make it fit your body. You can pick up a basic, mid tier brand for $30 at the outlet store or on Amazon.

6) Get Your Clothes Pressed Often

It doesn’t matter if you have a $5000 suit, a wrinkled suit looks like sh*t. Getting your clothes pressed is easy, cheap and something you should do often if you have to wear a suit to work.

7) Keep Your Business Casual Style Simple

Hopefully you have your own business and don’t have to work a job. But unfortunately that might not be the case. I had to wear a suit for years on presentations and had to dress business casual for the rest of the week. Or maybe you do have your own business where a suit is overkill, but you still want to be presentable to your clients.

The key to business casual is to keep it super simple.

For shirts: blue/white (no off color dress shirts), clean, crisp, classic dress shirts tailored to your body and hanging down to the middle of your soldier. You want the shirt to hang a bit longer than a casual dress shirt so that when you tuck it in, it doesn’t slip out when you stand up or sit down.

For pants: black and grey, clean, crisp and tailored.

For socks: black and grey.

For your belt and shoes: black. You can add brown shoes into the mix if you want to wear them with grey slacks, but it’s not necessary.

8) Get Your Clothes Tailored

You’re better of with a $300 suit for Zara that’s been tailored, than a $3000 suit off the rack. 90% of looking good in a suit is having it fit your body. Just by getting your suit tailored you’ll look better than 99.9% of guys out there.

The key is form fitting, but not too tight, leave something to the imagination. Shirt sleeves should stop at the wrist, not loose around the arms and the ides of the shirt and back should be taken so that fits crisply, not flopping around in the wind.

9) Use The Right Flair (optional)

If your office is super conservative this might not be the right move, but otherwise if you’re meeting a client, or you’ve got a date, the right flair shows you know what you’re doing. This is one the one area you can get away without matching, in fact done right it shows your style iq

That means, colorful socks, pocket square and colorful ties. And if you want to take it to the next level, you can match your socks to your pocket square to your tie – pink socks, pink pocket square and pink tie = you looking sharp as hell

10) Don’t Go To Far With Fashion

Most guys don’t dress well already, just be following the rules you’ll look better than them, but you don’t need to be more Catholic than the Pope. With fashion, just like everything else, the 80% rule is the way to go. When you start pushing towards 100% you get not only diminishing returns but often times counterproductive returns.

By pushing too hard to be a fashion plate you often:

  • Spend way more money than you need to
  • Clutter your closet with things you don’t need, instead of being a minimalist
  • Risk girls thinking your gay (I have no problem with gay guys, but it’s counterproductive to your goals)
  • Risk getting teased/not being trusted by other guys


Keep styling and profiling, and if you need a little inspiration, look no further than the greatest of all time.