See the game for what it is.
Not just game with women…
Women are a small piece of the puzzle.
I mean the game of life.
By recognizing game I mean recognizing reality.
The way things really are.
And not arguing with it.
Arguing with reality is mental weakness.
Protesting is for proles.
The rabbit doesn’t protest the lion, it runs.
The rabbit runs because it knows the lion doesn’t care about it’s protests.
In the same way the political class doesn’t care about the protests of the proles.
Its not fair but that’s the way it is.
It doesn’t matter whether its communism, capitalism or any other ism they want to sell you.
Outcomes in the game of life are always in-equal, because people are in-equal.
Even with capital off the table, power and status are still a competition and still not equal.
A quick look into the Russian Communist “utopia” will make that obvious.
If you think Stalin was equal to his comrades you need to read a history book.
In fact, you I suggest you read a lot of history books.
Reading history will put a bullet in your idealism, and that’s a good thing.
Because you need another ism like you need a hole in the head.
Instead you need to be able to see things clearly.
And history gives you sight beyond sight.
Because history repeats with mathematical precision…
History gives you the power to predict the future.
And my prediction for the future is that history will repeat itself.
People will form up into large tribes called Countries.
They will either elect or submit to strongmen through force.
Said rulers will wage wars against other countries for territory, resources and bragging rights.
People will continue to compete for food, clothing, shelter, women,money, power, status.
There has never been a time in history where this wasn’t the reality.
We can produce all the technological innovation in the world but human nature doesn’t change.
You can’t change the game because the game is bigger then you will ever be.
It was being played a long time before you got here.
And it will be played for a long time after you leave.
A true player recognizes and respects the game for what it is.
A true player doesn’t waste his precious time attempting to protest human nature.
A true player, plays the game to the best of his abilities until the casket drops.
When you get your mind right, the picture becomes crystal clear and you can read code.
You get instant insight into the motivations of the boss players.
You can see what it really takes to get and keep power.
To get power takes cunning, amorality, intelligence, luck, money, force, connections or all of the above.
To keep power means living on guard 24/7 in fear, stress and uncertainty.
But you also get to choose your path…
And instead of playing for power you can play for happiness and freedom.
For health, wealth, women and living life in the sunshine.
You can stop believing in other peoples dreams and start believing in yours.
You can leave all the isms and movements behind.
You can live your life on your terms and stay true to your path in the game.
When you stay true to the game, the game will be true to you.
But the key is, you have to play, there is no such thing as sitting on the sidelines in the game of life.
You need to get up and compete for money, food, resources, women and shelter.
This is the game…
You can do it ethically, and fairly, and add value, but you still have to compete…
You either play or get played, the game is not a spectator sport.
The good news is, you can create the life you want, when you’re willing to play for it.
And lucky for you, today is the best time to play the game of life in human history.
So get after it and go get what you deserve.